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Skill Development program 2010/2011, Bhubaneswar and Puri

           The Indian Handicrafts sector is not only playing significant role in the country's economy but also providing employment to vast segment of people in rural and semi urban areas. Besides preserving cultural heritage it is also generating valuable foreign exchange as the manufacturing is mainly with the indigenous raw material. The Handicrafts of India through the ages fascinated the world by its creativity, aesthetics and exquisite craftsmanship. It is highly decentralized activity, handicrafts of India present rich cultural heritage and shining example of using local resources, skills and initiatives. India's handicrafts are almost inexhaustible with infinite variety which has been refined during course of changing history. The cross currents inspire the creative impulse of our craftsmen. Further crafts are results of years of unconscious experiment and evolution; skills inherited and passed over generations from ances...